小瓜在大瓜的影响下也学会唱歌了。虽然咬字还不是很清楚,但我认为这已足够了!会继续慢慢的教她。每次大瓜在唱的时候,她都会在旁哼或一起唱; 往往她都以不是很清楚的唱调跟姐姐一起唱, 而且希望唱得比姐姐更大声。 爸爸教她唱妹妹歌,一个字一个字的教,终于教出成绩来了。说真的,爸爸很引以为荣喔! 。。。小瓜录出来的声音还蛮像大瓜的。。。
Monday, July 31, 2006
Friday, July 28, 2006
Up! Up! Up!
My girls’ choice of milk powder increase price again! Increase up to more than 10% some more! :( Yesterday went to Chinese Medical Hall, only realised the increase of price. If I knew earlier, sure I will stock up some tin at home. *sigh* This Enfa group milk powder never fail to “upgrade” their price EVERY YEAR! Each time was increased up to 10 ~ 12%...but mummy's salary do not have so much increase ler! Sob sob…now I wish I could have breast milk, FOC! :P
The new price also mean new packing & new look for the tin. They claimed that there is new ingredient called KOLINA in new tin, I yet to study what is KOLINA, also don't know what's benefit too! Does all these new ingredients really help in kids development? Or just cause the kids more active? :P Ever think of to change brand, but the girl very choosy, they can differentiate the smell and taste. Each time when I tried new formula for them, I hide the tin or box, but they still can tell it’s not their normal brand! *shake head*
Posted by Jess at 7/28/2006 11:25:00 AM 22 comments
Thursday, July 27, 2006
Coupon System.....cause me put on weight!
After implementing uniform system, my boss also implements coupon system for all workers and staff. Every month each of us entitle RM30 coupon and can be used in our canteen. We can buy anything from canteen using the coupon. For office staff, we use to take lunch at outside, but occasionally we will ta pau from canteen. But we cannot everyday eat canteen food as they cook Malay food which is spicy all the time. So we still almost everyday eat outside, then we use the coupon to buy other thing from there. We use to go during tea break, as the canteen did make some Malay kuih, fried noodles (mee hoon, kuey teow, mee etc) or roti canai. If we did not buy those stuff, then we can buy soft drink or junk food too. In other words, just buy whatever you like, to make sure we utilized the RM30 coupon in the same month. Don’t waste! The disadvantage is I tend to eat more now, really really have to control my food intake. But our canteen fried noodles very nice, just couldn’t resist to eat them! Recently noticed I been put on weight for nearly 2kg! Wow, to reduce 1 kg is so difficult, yet I have 2 kg to loose now! Now I try not to buy kuih or fried noodle during tea break, but buy various type of bread and bring back for the girls…… Got to do more exercise too!
Posted by Jess at 7/27/2006 03:34:00 PM 12 comments
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Night night...but don't want to sleep.
Little Lyon sleep very late nowadays. After change her into pyjamas, feed her milk, then she will look for her smelly blanket and pacifier. She will waive night night to everyone before enter her bed room (my bed room lar), at the same time she’ll tell everyone: 我要睡觉了,night night…. In the room, she will sing or hum song, roll here and there. After tired of singing alone, she will ask mummy to sing too. She will tell mummy which song to sing. Sometimes I purposely sing wrongly, she’ll correct me. When she bored, she will find excuse to come out from bedroom. She will tell she want to pee, I ask her to pee in diaper, but she said want to pee at her potty….sigh…no way I can stop her. Take off her diaper and bring her out. She was so happy, sitting at her potty and refuses to stand up even though she had finished peeing. Tell you, sometimes she can demand up to 5 times that she want to pee, but in actual, she only pee one time. Then I and she can in and out from the room up to 5 times too! This can drag till 12am!!!! One day I caught her weakness. Dogs bark very loud at night, guess they are fighting. She scared and quickly rolled to me and closed her eyes. At the same time, she pats her chest and telling me: 阿妹怕怕! (Ah Mei scare scare!). I tell her if scare then better sleep now, else the dogs will keep barking and they may come to our house then! LOL….then I sing to her, very soon she fall asleep already! : P She likes to watch dogs and cats, how come so scare ler? I also don't know. So now if she still refuses to sleep, I will make dog, cat or insect sound, and it works most of time! LOL…bad mummy ya....don’t worry, it wouldn’t cause her nightmare!
Posted by Jess at 7/26/2006 04:27:00 PM 18 comments
Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Why she scare of 骨头人?
骨头人 = skeleton
Why Wien so scare of skeleton? Even though just a picture?
Let's tell the story now....
All started with her naughty papa. At one time, she refuse to take her meal or eat extremely slow during meal time. Most of the time during meal time, she will claim her stomach pain or want to do big business. Papa cannot stand her slowness and also cannot accept her excuse (we knew she is telling lies), so he decide to show her some children starve to death pictures, just to frightene her. Is this a right way? I don't know. But I not agreed with papa's idea as I myself also scare and dislike to view those pic, me very soft hearten type.
Papa coax her to see either newspaper or internet news if has any of those children starve pic, poor Wien will cry after seeing those scary pic. He also save some copies into his notebook, from time to time will coax her to see also. I cannot stand her crying sometimes, so I scold hubby instead! Scold her for being so EFNTD. While she is crying, papa will tell her cannot always say don't want to eat meal, else she will be like them. Also cannot simply waste food, other kids were starving till so skinny or even starve to death. I am not sure she understand or not, as now she still eat quite slow and left some food behind after her meal.
Example of pic that Wien called as 骨头人...
Posted by Jess at 7/25/2006 04:20:00 PM 13 comments
Monday, July 24, 2006
Wien 1st Cinema Trip (II)
As promised in earlier post, I am going to blog on Wien's experience in cinema last Saturday.
From my place to MP need approximate 1 hour drive, plus the movie start at 10am ( so early!!!), hence we got to wake up not later than 7.30am, and we got to leave from home by 8.30am other wise we will be very rush then. You know la, I have two girls to kau-tim.
Reached cinema, already saw many of hubby's colleagues queuing there waiting for their ticket. Hubby and Wien join the queue while I bring Lyon walk around near that area since the shopping mall not open yet. After a while, I heard kid crying sound, being kpc I turn to where the sound come from. Oh my, I saw my Wien was crying there! Wonder what happen to her, I quickly run to her. She still crying and no answer my question. Lyon and I keep consoling her and ask her stop crying. Lyon keep saying : 阿姐,不要哭啦!(Ah Jie, don't cry lar!). Later she told me don't want to watch Superman anymore...but refuse to tell me the reason. Hubby so upset & angry with her, as we woke up so early today, just to bring her to cinema, and now she refuse to enter. Hubby almost cancel to watch too! Later I saw Pirates of the Caribbean II poster hanging at the cinema, as this movie also start at the same time. I think I knew the reason already, she must be thinking papa going to bring her watch Pirates of the Caribbean instead of Superman. She really really really scare of seeing 骨头人, frightened by papa before, will blog it later.
I told her many times that she is going to watch Superman, not that horrible movie, she seem calm down a little bit. Later I brought her to see Superman poster and convince her too. Hubby's female colleague also try to convince her. Then hubby brought her to redeem popcorn and soft drink, she ask me to stay with her to watch the movie, but I told her mummy no ticket, cannot enter but will wait for her outside the cinema. She want to start crying again...*sigh* this girl really make me headache, so eager to watch Superman, yet want me to accompany her. Hubby warn her if she cry again, he'll straight away drive us home. hehehe..it works!
After I saw them walked into the cinema then only brought Lyon to the mall to start our shopping journey! But I still expect hubby will call me....hahaha...lucky nope! Guess she must be so excited upon seeing the big TV!!
I spent 2.5 hour with Lyon in the mall, we go to all shop lot, see shoes, clothes, dress, toys, books etc etc...she never give me any trouble! Yipeee....mummy can shop happily while she either sit in trolly or walk by her own. Too bad mummy forgot to bring camera, else I can capture some of her funny act there! She prefer walking rather than mummy carry her....Funny thing is she can mix around with stranger in the mall, no cry or fuss. But if stranger come to our house, she will cry and stick to me!
About 1230, guess the movie about to finish, so we wait for them at food court. During lunch, I keep asking Wien how's the movie & cinema, but she did not tell me more, she must be feel paiseh of her act just now. Hubby said no special thing happen, she cannot see the whole screen as the front row chair block her eye sight, so she has to sit on papa's lap for the 2.5 hour!! Wow ! I can imagine how tire hubby's leg! She is excited when Superman is shown in the screen, when boring moment she just sit queitly at papa's lap, eating popcorn or drink. Hubby said inside the cinema also has other kids, running here and there too, hp also keep ringing while the show was on. But no one care as all are colleagues from same company...:(
After lunch,we went to McD to meet up with Michelle Soo (In His Time). She looks slim, although just give birth to a baby boy a month ago; want to know her slimming secret? Go and read this!
It was nice meeting with her , her hubby and the 2 little girls! Belle really good girl, sitting there queitly and do not monkeying around like my Wien. Next time we can meet at JJ WOnderland, threw the kids there and we can chit chat.
See, I make new friends again via blog.
Posted by Jess at 7/24/2006 01:16:00 PM 14 comments
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Wien 1st Cinema Trip
As mentioned in early post, hubby going to bring Wien to watch Superman Return. Date and time has been fixed. Since this is her first movie in cinema, let's see what will happen then! :D
Lyon and me will hanging around in the parade while waiting for both of them.
Posted by Jess at 7/20/2006 12:31:00 PM 16 comments
Tuesday, July 18, 2006
蝴蝶 - Butterfly Girl
Posted by Jess at 7/18/2006 03:03:00 PM 14 comments
Monday, July 17, 2006
What did I buy?
I had draft a shopping list during my shopping day. I Have to do it, else I will buy rubbish home as previous year! Then someone sure "ngi ngi ngo ngo"....bet you know who I am refering too!:D My shopping list.....
- shoes for the girls
- Bermuda shorts for hubby upon his request!
- my sandal
- cardigan for myself
- swim suit for the girls
- diapers for Lyon
- food stuff from supermarket, grab whatever is on sale!
Must Not buy below items....
- clothes or dresses for the girls - since they have enough stock now.
- no dress or clothes for myself - since office already start wearing uniform.
- my shoes - I still have 1 brand new pair of shoes inside the shoe rack.
- bedsheet - current one still in good condition.
End up, what I bought....
- my girls' shoes ( 2 pair for Lyon, one for Wien)
- 2 pair working shoes for myself! See, I bought working shoes again, even though not in my shopping list! I cannot resist from buying them lar, up to 70% discount ler...LOL...no nice sandal for me so buy working shoes lor! Anyway, I just love buying shoes...
- 3 short pants for hubby, 2 for myself (same brand, same color with hubby's but different size lar!)
- one working blouse for hubby.
- diapers for Lyon
- one long pants for Wien
- one tee for myself
- food stuff according to the list.
- arm band for the girls.
Aiyah, those swim suit was not on sale, still as expensive as before. I was eyeing on some nice & cute swim suit for the girls. Only manage to get them the arm band. Looks like I am going to DIY for them...you can say me stingy if you want ... :P
Left : Wien - red // Lyon - Blue & yellow Right : my shoes
hehe...I didn't take pictures for other stuff I bought....Lazy!
Posted by Jess at 7/17/2006 02:27:00 PM 12 comments
Thursday, July 13, 2006
Joke of the day
Hubby factory giving out free ticket to watch Superman Return. If anyone of us wants to go, have to pay RM2 for additional ticket. I am not a superman fans, don’t think Lyon will sit still in cinema too, so I suggest hubby to bring Wien along, since this girl never been to cinema yet. Am sure she will be fascinated over the big screen. Conversation between hubby and Wien: H : 爸爸带你去看 superman,要吗?(Papa bring you watch superman, want or not?) W: 要,要!(want , want!) 我也要看 Ultraman, Batman! (I also want to watch Ultraman, Batman!) H : 哗!酱要看Postman吗?(Wah, then Postman want or not?) W: 哈哈!不要啦!Postman 穿长裤罢了!(hahaha…dun want la, postman wear trouser only!) H : …speechless a while…. W: Superman, Batman 和 Ultraman 的底裤穿在外面嘛!(Superman, Batman and Ultraman’s underwear wear at outside mah!) All of us laugh when she say the last sentence! LOL ...she only interested on Superman's underwear!!!
Posted by Jess at 7/13/2006 05:30:00 PM 17 comments
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Lyon's Talks
Posted by Jess at 7/12/2006 10:06:00 AM 12 comments
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Click here to listen.
Masterpiece of Wien
Hew drawing has green hills, colorful house, bright sun, small river, one big and small fish, red flower, few birds. But no idea what is the blue items in the sky!LOL....items she drew slightly similar to the song that she sang above.
Posted by Jess at 7/11/2006 10:39:00 AM 17 comments
Monday, July 10, 2006
Hurricane in my house too!
My 2 girls has lots of toys in the house. Hubby cannot stand toys all over the house, so he had kept few containers and bags (travel luggage) in store room; left only 2 containers in living halls. Even with 2 containers only, they also can mess up the hall as shown in picture, cannot imagine what if we took out ALL the containers out! Guess they have to nap on top of the toys! LOL..
Good thing is they had been trained
forced by papa to keep the toys back to original place after playing; otherwise, papa will threw away whatever left on the floor and their papa really mean it! Wien will just keep those toys if her papa ask her : do you want me help you or you yourself keep your toys? As she knew papa will just threw away if she refuse to keep, she had experience it before!
But if mummy ask them to keep, only Lyon (I must praise her is a good girl) will do so and Wien will drag, drag and drag and say : wait, wait, wait! Usually either I'll help them keep or I just call: papa, papa, see, ah jie refuse to keep toys again! Hahaha...usually this work pretty well, she will quickly come and do her job! LOL...but very sad hor, she not listen to me...:(
Posted by Jess at 7/10/2006 04:19:00 PM 10 comments
Friday, July 07, 2006
Thursday, July 06, 2006
Take a day off....
Another shopping day for myself....yes, me shop alone, without the girls monkeying around or without hubby beside me telling me :hurry up, time to go back now!....this is the day I look forward and I can shop till I drop!
I will take a day off from work and clock in in JJ at 9.00am, estimate will clock out at 5.00pm gua! LOL
.....one thing dislike during the day is : TOO CROWDED! But who care wor!? :P...you can count me crazy...
Posted by Jess at 7/06/2006 12:01:00 AM 11 comments
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Wien knows most of our family member’s Chinese horoscope. Below funny conversation took place few times, but we just couldn’t answer her most of time…. Last night she asked again…. Wien: 妈咪,你是老鼠是吗?(Mummy, you are rat right?) Me : 嗯。(Hmmm…) Wien : 维维是马咧!为什麽老鼠会生马的?(Wei Wei is horse! But why rat can give birth to horse?) Me : 哈?你讲生麽?(Har? What you said?) Wien : 老鼠应该生老鼠的嘛!(rat should give birth to rat mah!) Me : 喔!哈哈!(Oh! LOL!) Wien : 小妹是monkey, 为什麽老鼠也会生monkey的?很奇怪咧!(Xiao Mei is monkey, why rat also can give birth to monkey? Very strange ler!) Me : 哈哈!哈哈!(LOL!)…I just laughing on her as I really don't know hot to answer her… Later she goes to look for MIL…… Wien : 嬷嬷,你应该生我的咧!因为你是马嘛。(Ma Ma, you suppose to give birth to me becos you are horse!) MIL : 是咯,嬷嬷生你的,你应该叫我妈咪。(Yalor, Ma Ma give birth to you, so you should call me mummy ) Wien : 嘻嘻!不可以叫你妈咪的。(hehehe…cannot call you mummy.) MIL : 可以啦!(Can lar!) Wien : 不可以的,你酱老了!(Cannot, you are OLD already!)....LOL.... End conversation. Any idea how to answer her in case she asks again?
Posted by Jess at 7/05/2006 09:59:00 AM 14 comments
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
After give birth to Wien, I did use 呼拉圈 to do exercise, hoping my waist can back to pre-pregnancy measurement, also to loose some extra fat at my body. But after few months, my waist still 2' above pre-pregnancy. So I gave up. But sometimes I did play with it when I am free!
This morning, saw MIL doing exercise using the 呼拉圈 at porch, Wien also took out hers and follow her. Don't be surprise when you see the picture below. Yes, the 呼拉圈 is giant type, I ever measured the diameter is 2 inches! ....and I am using it to do excercise last time too! It looks big and giant, and quite heavy too; but it easily can make u sweat in just less than 10 minutes!
Mind you, it might hurt your waist if you not familiar with it. Read here for the disadvantage of using it. I remember after using this giant 呼拉圈, I felt pain at my waist; but after few practises, it seem ok for me. That's why I dare to continue playing with it.
Posted by Jess at 7/04/2006 10:39:00 AM 12 comments