Every morning Wien will greets us Good Morning once she wake up. It was taught by her Papa. Sometimes she'll forget, then papa or myself will remind her : 维,你忘记了哈?(You forgot what to say?)..... so every morning we can hear she say.... Good morning, papa! (if papa not yet out to office...) Good morning, mummy! Good morning, 小妹!(xiao mei) Good morning, Ma Ma , good morning, Gong Gong...(when she out from bedroom) ...sometimes she will give us a hug when she greet us.... Now Lyon seem understand Good Morning meaning, she will say the same too, but she could not say Good Morning properly. She only can say : Mor, Mor...then Wien & me will follow by: Ning, Ning...but this little fella just refuse to say the whole word, she keep repeating Mor, Mor, then wait for us to say Ning, Ning...then keep giggling to us....
Friday, March 31, 2006
Good Morning + Night Night
Posted by Jess at 3/31/2006 01:10:00 PM 16 comments
Thursday, March 30, 2006
She bite me!
Yesterday near end office hour was heavy rain and the sky look so dark. I dun think I can drive back so soon, so I give a call to Wien. Me : Wei, heavy rain ler, mummy cannot go back now. Wien : Here not so heavy ah, drive slow slow la! Me : Mummy will be very wet then. My car might stuck half way if got flood. Wien : If stuck, tie one rope at your car and pull lor.. Me : hah? who is going to pull wor? Wien : papa lor......or call papa to drive u back lar.. Me : No lar, papa still working.....(blah blah blah)...ok la, now mummy go back and drive slow slow. Wien : mummy bye bye At the other end, I can hear Lyon talking too as she is holding another phone, but she just say Mee Mee, bye bye bye....
Posted by Jess at 3/30/2006 11:10:00 AM 7 comments
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
小歌手:静维 指导师 :爸爸 这是爸爸花了将近一个月的时间,训练静维唱的。间中也有一些好笑的小插曲,例如发音不准,唱走调等等, 爸爸都析述给我听, 因为我没和他们一起练习唱; 当他们在练习时,大部分时间我在陪小妹睡觉。 现在我将这首歌寄送给天下父母, 有空的话,不妨教你的儿女唱吧! 这也是我最喜欢的校园歌之一! p/s: papa spent almost one month to teach Wien sing this song. Most of the when they practise singing, I was in the room accompany Lyon to sleep. At the begining, Wien cannot sing well, many funny wording come out as well as wrong tune, papa said it's funny when he heard that! Again, I miss those moment! Now, we dedicate this song to all the parents out there, if you are free, teach your kids sing it. I love this song too during school life! 快乐天堂 大象长长的鼻子正昂扬 全世界都举起了希望 孔雀旋转着碧丽辉煌 没有人能够永远沮丧 河马张开口吞掉了水草 烦恼都装进它的大肚量 老鹰带领着我们飞翔 更高更远更需要梦想 告诉你一个神秘的地方 一个孩子们的快乐天堂 跟人间一样的忙碌扰攘 有哭有笑当然也会有悲伤 我们拥有同样的阳光
Posted by Jess at 3/29/2006 10:25:00 PM 6 comments
Tuesday, March 28, 2006
回到校园-Back to School Meme
蛋头"踢"我做这"密密",还说我现在不是怀孕的妈妈!喂, 朋友,这好像不是很好的藉口咧!不过我还是做啦! 在多少间学校读过书? 1. 没上过幼稚园, 老爸认为我有点小聪明,不必上的!嘻嘻!兄弟姐妹中,只有大哥上过幼稚园,才觉得是老爸偏心!虽然大哥上过幼稚园, 但他的成绩是我们兄弟姐妹中最差的,令老爸和老妈伤心透了。。 没上幼稚园, 那我在7岁之间做什麽呢?嘿嘿,除了玩还是玩。爸爸和妈妈一大早就出门工作,把我和弟弟寄放在邻居家,姐姐和哥哥就去上学!我和弟弟就和邻居的小孩玩的天翻地覆,至到妈妈来接我们。 2. 小学- 榴莲洞葛华文小学 - SRJK SIN WAH 记得上学第一天,老妈煮了两粒鸡蛋给我吃,说吃了会科科拿满分。哇,真灵验咧,我的成绩的确科科拿满分, 也年年拿第一名,还成为全校模范生!参加比赛也得过不少奖 ( 唱歌,演讲,朗诵,汉语拼音,书法等等 ) 全都记载在成绩册内,至今我还好好收藏着(因为我要show我的女儿, 希望将来也向她的妈妈一样聪明, 嘻嘻)。老爸和老妈也引我为荣。 其实我不是书虫,只是有点小聪明, 陈老师还说过我:小时了了,大未必佳!就是要提醒我不要自傲,应该继续努力。 我的学校很小间,一个班级只有两班,一班的学生少以30名。 学校的厕所就好像土阿妈说的大家的米田共集聚一堂。后来在我三, 四年级的时候开始,学校厕所才重新建过。 小学外号是“老虎婆”,因为我很凶,男生替我取得,有些朋友到现在都还记得! 虽说我的小学成绩不错,但是我的检定考试的成绩没有拿A。当然啦,当时的我根本不在乎我的成绩! 好想念小学生涯,无忧无虑, 自由自在。天没亮我就到学校了,5 点起床,然后搭校车,6点左右就到了, 那有像现在小孩那麽好命! 去到校园, 就和其他朋友玩了,玩大风吹,打手, 跳飞机, 跳绳等等,太多了,数也数不清!还有,当时的我们好流行谁喜欢谁, 现在想起都觉得好笑! 童年就这样过了,但我永不遗忘。希望我的小孩也会像我一样拥有快乐的童年! 3. 中学 - SMK ABDUL TALIB KARIB (Remove - Form 5) 为什麽国民型?因为她最靠近我家啰!中学我很拼, 也是我学习中辛苦的时期, 因为老爸去世了, 在我读预备班时,我不能辜负老妈一番心意,所以我很拼。 幸亏我的记忆力不错。 没像小学那样好玩了,现在的我除了读书还是读书,可以说我是书虫一个!因为我的勤劳,老天有眼,让我得到很好的成绩,SRP得了8科A1, SPM拿了6科A1, 2科A2! 这麽好的成绩却没让我得到大学学位, 我很失望,只好到另一间学校念高等教育(Form 6) 4. 高等教育- SMK Dato Dol' Saad 这两年,我也很拼,为的就是要得到念大学的机会。家境不是很好,决不可能出国念书的。高等教育的成绩不是很理想,我念的是理科, 你可想像我的辛苦。 结果,大学念不成啦,申请师训又不成, 去那好呢? 5. 拉曼学院 皇天不负有心人, 终于让我申请到拉曼学院的学位。呆了3年,也让我遇见了我的现任老公。学院生活比较自由,虽然也勤劳念书,但玩的时候也多。开心过了这三年的学院生涯, 记忆中还惦记着一些校友,间中还有互相来往。 我是书虫还是临时抱佛脚? 小学的我绝不是书虫。 上了中学才变成书虫的,多数靠背。考试前一晚,我还可以读到很夜。临时抱佛脚绝不会在我的字典里找到!我始终相信有付出才会有收获! 我是老师的眼中刺,还是老师的掌上珠? 在小学是掌上珠, 因为成绩好,人品好。我的个子又小,老师总是让我当副班长而已, 而我总希望能当班长。 上了中学,不是眼中刺,也不是老师的掌上珠。只是普普通通的一位学生。 我在学校犯过最大的条规? 小学时好喜欢看故事书, 时常偷书回家看!不过从来没被发现,嘻嘻!因为我是图书管理员嘛,当时我们只可以借一本一天,而我可以在一天内看完一本,所以就偷啰!不过我看完就会放回原为啦。 中学是好好学生一名,没犯规啦! 最喜欢的三项科目 数学,数学,数学!对了,我只喜欢数学!因为它太容易了。 影响我至深的三位老师 奇怪,好像没有任何老师让我难忘咧,残啰!对不起喔! 没相片啦,懒惰去 scan.... P/s : Next I am going to tag below mummies :- - Michelle - since you recently blog on your childhood, I am sure you have many to tell too! - Mumsgather - wanna share with us your school life?
Posted by Jess at 3/28/2006 04:02:00 PM 9 comments
Monday, March 27, 2006
Another Weekend
The Zoo
Last Saturday we went to Zoo. This is Wien's 3rd visit to Zoo Melaka, and it is Lyon's first visit. Wien's first visit is when she is 1 year +, hubby and I brought her there. Her second visit went with hubby only when she is 2 year +, becos as that time Lyon still a newborn baby, I do not want to tag along with them. Now Lyon can walk, talk and can differentiate animals as well, so hubby decide to bring her to zoo!
Both of them enjoy the trip. Wien will make animal sound when she see each animal, though some are not correct, she just want to hear those animals reply her ( as the cow answer her when she say : moo moo...). Lyon will follow what her jie jie said, such a copy cat, the sound she make more funny, totally out of tone! LOL..
Wien and Lyon enjoy the most the elephant ride. Yeah, this zoo got elephant ride, guess just started not long ago, as last year during Wien's visit, they dun have this yet! I have to join them, got to hold tight of Lyon, else she might fall down! Even the elephant is walking, but we feel as it is running!
After the zoo, we went to McD; just opposite the zoo, to have our lunch. Order porridge for Lyon, nugget for Wien; they also share with us the french fries. Wien keep begging me to let her go to playground first but I reject, I want her finish her food first before going there.
After lunch, let them have some fun at playground. Lyon know how to play the sliding, refuse to stop when we plan to go to my mum's house after that. Tell her last 3 round only, after that have to go back. Lucky she not making fuss after 3rd round; same apply to Wien, else they will just wanna stay there and refuse to go back.
After that, we make a trip to my mum's house; spent the entire evening with her.
Posted by Jess at 3/27/2006 04:50:00 PM 9 comments
Friday, March 24, 2006
“Tunggu” “Tunggu”
Bandaraya at our place will come to collect rubbish on night time; it could be 9pm, 10pm or even 11pm; and they only come in alternate day. MIL will put the rubbish bin outside the gate if they come on that day. We did not put the bin outside as some wild dogs or cats like to dig the rubbish, end up can see those rubbish all over the road side, very messy look. So MIL usually will transfer the bin to outside after her dinner. Wien very weird, whenever she saw MIL carry the rubbish bin to outside, she would want to follow. For her, it is fun but for MIL, the bins are dirty; she would try to avoid her to follow her. Now seem Lyon also want to follow, but always stop by me! Wien can recognized rubbish car’s engine sound. When she hear it, she will shout to MIL : Ma Ma, Tunggu Tunggu 车来了. Wonder why she call Tunggu Tunggu? Hehe.. becos one time MIL not yet transfer the rubbish bin to outside, but rubbish car already came, so MIL call them : Tunggu , tunggu….then it stop and wait for her! So from that day onwards, Wien will call them Tunggu Tunggu 车… :) Now Wien will call them as 垃圾车 after we correct her few times. But her best follower, Lyon, will say “Gu Gu” each time she hear the lorry is coming…. :( ....and she also want me to carry her to see the rubbish car.. :(
Posted by Jess at 3/24/2006 04:03:00 PM 11 comments
Thursday, March 23, 2006
"Man" 来了!
"Man" 来了!"Man" 来了!(Man, is coming...!)
Man = postman
That's how my girls call postman. Well, when Wien is small, she cannot pronouce Postman properly, so we get her to say :Man....until now she still call like that, now Lyon follow the same too!
Whenver Man is coming, Wien will go outside and collect letter from him, seem like our house doesn't has any mailbox hor. So now, the Man will horn his motorbike each time he reach our house, waiting for Wien to come out! After collected all the letters, she will pass to Ah Gong, telling him this is who and whose letter. Last time when she cannot recognise our name, she will ask PIL this is whose letter. Now she expert already, she will pass to correct person each time.
Last Monday, she received some letters from Man, while she sorted out those letter, she noticed one envelope was written with her name. She was so happy, grab the envelope and tell MIL :Ma Ma, I also got letter from Man ler, you see, is my name ler....M-O-K, J-I-N-G, W-E-I(she spell out the name for Ma Ma)....
When I am back, she quickly show me the envelope. It was her 4th year old birthday card from Dumex. The card was same as last year dolphin design too (last year one still stick on the fridge, she take down and put into same envelope). In fact Dumex every year will send her birthday card but dunno why this time can make her so happy with it! She ask me why Man wanna send her card. I told her becos she behave as good girl recently, so he just send u card lor. If she still behave, then will be more letter for her future.
When papa is back, she also quickly go and showed him. She really happy throughout the day! Until today still well keep the envelope; open to see it from time to time. Just like last time when I received love letter from boyfriend (now hubby lar), happy all day and read the letter over and over again! She is exactly the same now!
P/s: Dumex is good, although we do not drink Dumex powder, but they still send us newsletter and sample to us from time to time, even the birthday card too!
Posted by Jess at 3/23/2006 02:03:00 PM 13 comments
我家小不点已经16个月了!好快喔! (Lyon is 16 month lor….how time flies! )
I still have very fresh memory when give birth to her 16 month ago. Now she already can walk, run, jump, talk, scream for joy, and shout for attention etc etc…Mee Mee is getting older by 16 month too… *sigh*
Yeah, we call Lyon as 小不点 (xiao bu dian) as her nickname, she look so small and fragile to us! Imagine a little girl walking and running here and there, so scare we will accidentally hits her and cause her fall down. Wien so jie jie look now and quite rough too sometimes, so all of us tend to protect this 小不点. This name suits her very well though.
Most of the time we call her as 小妹 (xiao mei), becos we want Wien to call her like that. Now Lyon seem like thinking her name is 小妹 too .....is time to call her real name liao.
Copy Jefferene's format here...hehe...
Physical Growth
Weight: 8.2 kg
Height: 72 cm
(as of 28.02.06, measured by nurse)
Physical Development
* Like to follow what Wien do, Wien’s best follower! Wien will 报告 to papa when papa is back, she also hands up her right hand and keep saying :papa papa…..wanna interrupt Wien.
* Able to imitate rabbit’s walking style & mimic rabbit sound..chip chip, chip chip
* Trying to jump now, not from sofa but on the floor itself.
Eating Habbit
* Wai sek moi, very like to eat!
* 2 solid meals + 4 formula ( each time only 3-4 oz, very little)
* All kind of fruits
* I think I should say all kind of food she wanna a share too! She even can eat spicy potatoes chips!! After eating, show me her mouth that it is spicy hor!
* Refuse to share with Wien on food now, she want it in her own share, such as Vitagen.
Social Development
* Not friendly, afraid of stranger!
* Now can accept Hui Ying jie jie (SIL’s daughter), allow her to carry her sometimes
* Clingy to papa whenever papa is back from work.
Speech Development
Other than the 2 words, she learns more new word now.
Gai gai – have a walk 去玩 (Qu wan) – go and play 开(Kai) –open either food plastic or container 拔(Ba) – pull out
Many of others too, mummy cannot recall by now, bad memory! One sweet part of her is, she will address people when she see them, with her sweet and manja voice! Everyone “lump” at her sweet voice, sure they will pick her up and kiss her after she call them. Other Development She very happy whenever see us open the gate, meaning that we are going to go gai-gai or play at outside. She has special laughing for this excitement; I don’t know how to describe here; also her hand sign, in her very own way…how nice if I can tape it down….ok ok , will buy a new digital camera very soon! Like to empty her toy basket, later leave them around the basket and go play other stuff. But we call her come back and put back all these before allow her play other toys. Most of the time she will listen. Able to tell when she wants to pee, but sometimes she tells while she pees too! Poor us got to wipe the floor as she only wear pants at home. She will go to toilet and take out her potty when she wants to poo! Seldom poo in pants! Good girl! Use remote control or handphone and pretend talking with someone.
Feel jeolous when we sayang to Wien.
Cry when we scold her, or even we just show her warning sign. See, how manja she is!!
Posted by Jess at 3/23/2006 10:20:00 AM 5 comments
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
小小歌唱家 - III
我家小小歌唱家又要大展歌喉啦,除了以下歌曲,也可以在这里和这里听到其他的歌曲! 1. 牛儿不要叫 2. 太阳 3. 椰树 4. 小小一个球 5. 好司机 有听过吗?小姑教静维(Wien)唱的, 全都是小学生儿歌!
Posted by Jess at 3/22/2006 09:59:00 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
How Ah Gong taking care them?
My FIL is a retired headmaster, but he still giving tuition for some primary kids, part of his side income other than from share market.
Usually after FIL will taking care my girls in morning session, after his morning tea. My MIL has her morning dai ji (太极) class too, when she is back only Ah Gong will handover the job to her...hehe..what a good combination.
When Wien is small, in crawling stage, Ah Gong will take out either her bath tub or the wooden chicken, and place her in. But when she can stand, he stop placing her in as she will try to stand up and climb out, sometimes the tub or the wooden chicken will terbalik. He scare she fall down then.
When she sitting inside it, he will either offer her toys to play or some biscuits to eat. Then he will do some gardening or grass cutting around her.
This is Wien when she is around 7-8th month....
Sometimes when MIL busy in the kitchen, Ah Gong will also play her in too, but bring the tub in house this time.
See, she no teeth yet ....she teething at 9mth, much much later than Lyon. Lyon has her 1st cut at month 4!
Lyon looks so blur in the morning....
Posted by Jess at 3/21/2006 04:52:00 PM 9 comments
Monday, March 20, 2006
My Weekend
Saturday Morning So bored, got to work for this Saturday. One of my Malay colleague's SIL marry, invite us to attend the wedding, but lazy to go. After work, straight drive back home. Saturday Afternoon/Evening My girls nap, I nap with them too..hehehe...but only 1/2 hour. Then look for something to do. I am half way sewing new dress for myself. Ok, sew it now, as no one will disturb me at this moment. Hubby busy surfing net. Whent the girls up from nap, I decide to make toast bread for them. Very simple snack! Full ingredients & steps can get from here!
Wow, everyone like it! Hubby even eaten up total 5 slice, full till he has to delay his dinner..hehe
Later both girls went to outside and play, then me busy prepare for the dinner.
When dinner is ready, I look for them as is time to bath too. Saw they happily running here and there. Hubby called me to look at Wien's foot. When I saw it, I almost fainted!
She is too excited I think, running with her bare foot! See her right big thumb with some bruise? Poor Wien, all becos of Lyon. Few days ago, Lyon was playing with this( see the photos below as I dunno what it call), maybe she did not hold it properly, it hit exactly at Wien's foot thumb! Pity Wien, cry 2 days becos of the pain.
Saturdat Night Spent whole night at home too! Plan to go back mum's house on Sunday.
Sunday Sunday morning. Call mum and inform that we plan to go back; she will cook extra, so settle our lunch. Later me go and do some washing and prepare Lyon’s porridge. Ding dong ding dong, it’s already 11am+.
Reached there around nearly 12noon. I think Wien is hungry, she saw a cake box in the kitchen (neighbor’s daughter getting married), and grab 2 slices and finish them. Lyon also had eaten half slice of it. My mum do the fried chicken, offer Wien one, she also finish it. By the time lunch is ready to serve, she already feels full. Hubby just feed her ABC soup.
We spent whole evening at my mum's place. After dinner only drive back to home.
Some photos taken at mum's house. My mum just love to plant vege and flowers; just want to pass her time I guess. emm, I must visit her more often!

Posted by Jess at 3/20/2006 04:15:00 PM 10 comments
Saturday, March 18, 2006
My version of Creativity
Saw Michelle's post on creativity, I wanna "steal" her copy right reserved. Hahaha...
I have similar photos of the box too! Taken when Wien is about 1 year+. We bought a new washing machine, then hubby cut the box, to make a house for Wien. He even wrote house number on it. Her house got 2 side window and one main door! She like it very much, even drink her milk inside the house!
Another creativity is come from Wien and Hui Ying jie jie. They use rubber mat to design their "own car"! This was done when Wien is 2 years old. She look different from now, how time flies ya! She is 4 this year. I think I should post more of her baby photos.
Posted by Jess at 3/18/2006 12:37:00 PM 11 comments
Friday, March 17, 2006
Crying baby
View through my girls' album, realised that we never took the photos while they cry. Not to say they never cry, but when they cry, we busy console or soothe them, never never come to our mind to take out camera and snap. But after see Zara's crying photo, I so tempted to take it if I have the chance. So, I wait wait wait....till last night the chance come.....hehe...what a bad mee mee I am!
I gave her bottle to drink water, after drinking, she shake the bottle and split out the water onto the mattress. So I pretend angry and point to her say : hah, you're naughty ha! See! wet the mattress liao! After she hear it, her head look down (dun want to see my face) and start crying! Aiyo, I not mean to scold her, yet she cry till so sorrow. I ask papa to soothe her and me continue flipping my newspaper. She cry more louder when I ignore her! Then I think of to take her crying photos, quickly took out camera & snap! hahaha...manage to get some!
Although papa keep soothening her, but she still cry non stop, till I pick her up!
After she stop crying and play by her own (Wien not at home as she went to wedding party with MIL together with SIL#3), I went to kitchen to do some washing. Less than 15 minutes, when she realised I am not with her, she cry again... *sigh*
This time is papa's turn to take out camera & snap her photos! hehe...very bad papa and mee mee ya!
Posted by Jess at 3/17/2006 11:29:00 AM 15 comments
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Insurance, yes or no?
Medical insurance for senior citizen so expensive. Anyone's parent own it now? Guess most of them will stop buying when they reached 55. I have a thinking in my mind now: whether want to invest this onto my PIL or not? My own mum did has a medical insurance in hand now, suggested by elder sister, seconded by my brother. Is not cheap though. We are medium range family, if anything happen to my mum (* touch wood*) that need huge amount of medical fee, I dun think can take out so much money in such short period! Even afford to pay, later will short of cash in hand too! *sigh* (oh money money, u are so important to us!) My sister's MIL admitted to private hospital few weeks ago, spent lots of medical fee. She doesn't has any insurance too. Now she has the same thought as me, invest or not to? Now back to my PIL, they dun have any medical insurance now. If anything happen to them, (*touch wood*) surely hubby got to bear all the cost, as he is the only son in the family! Perhaps his other sisters might give a hand too! What is your opinion? or did anyone of you can suggest a good yet affordable plan to me?
Posted by Jess at 3/15/2006 01:20:00 PM 10 comments
Tuesday, March 14, 2006
Where is my house?
Yesterday back from work, only Lyon greeted me, did not see Wien. I feel strange as normally 2 of them will be standing at gate when I come back. Enter house, realised she is busy playing with her favourite playmate - Hui Ying jie jie(SIL#1's daughter), no wonder not bother to greet me lar! It's school holiday now, normally SIL#1 will drop HY at our house, let her play with my girls, at the same time she can help MIL to babysit them too! When she "realised" mummy is back, she quickly come and ask me..... Wien : mummy, where is my house hah? Me : what house? Wien: neh, the one build at beach wan ah...(we bluff her go to beach only build this, lazy to set up for her!) Me : oh, the camp house. But mummy keep in store liao, difficult to dig out lar! Wien : mummy, take out la, I want to play with HY jie jie. I bet must be HY jie jie ask her to ask from me wan...go to store room, dig dig dig, finally found it!! After that 2 of them happily set up the camp by themself!
Camp is their store, they are selling fruit juice. HY is the si-tau-poh, Wien is the waitress, and Lyon is....is....I think should call her trouble maker lar! She keep kacau their ka-chang!
In order not to disturb by the little trouble maker, they "close shop" do business. Ask her "stand" outside! But she keep banging the "door"!
So they pass her something, "order" her to go away!
.......or peep from the small window...Poor Lyon...
p/s: papa saw the incident, "order" both of them come out from the camp, put Lyon inside and play a while...hehehe....
Posted by Jess at 3/14/2006 01:35:00 PM 12 comments
Monday, March 13, 2006
After the fell....
After this fell, Lyon is fine now, but.....
She becomes very manja nowadays! She seem like can see through that we dun want she fall down again.
We very kiasi too, follow her almost very steps wherever she goes, that’s why she can sense from our reaction. We too remind Wien again and again…
…. dun chase mei mei, else she will fall again…
…. dun snatch mei mei’s toy…(scare she will pull too hard and make Lyon fall down)
…. Dun climb sofa, else mei mei will follow…
.... etc...
Our message to her is : everything lets Lyon get the priority.
Wien still play as usual with her, buy Lyon got our message, that’s why she very manja now! Our fault??!!
She fall down (minor case), she’ll cry manja-ly and look for someone to hold her and carry her up! If no one entertains her, she cries even louder.
Wien’s pillow accidentally hit her legs, she cries! Look for rescuer!
She wants pencil from Wien, Wien refuse, she cry! Hoping Wien give in.
She tears newspaper, Wien warn her, she cry too!
She try to climb sofa, I scold her, she cry manja-ly and ask me to carry her & refuse to come down anymore, * sigh * This bad habit definitely cannot continue anymore, got to train her to get rid of it, else she’ll be very demanding.
Posted by Jess at 3/13/2006 02:40:00 PM 15 comments
Friday, March 10, 2006
Hubby prefer Wien to be more discipline, many things he wants her to do by herself instead of calling mummy for help; such as feed by herself, do homework, keep CD after watching, keep toys in original place after playing etc etc......(does he too strict to her?). If she is in good mood, she'll do all these.; else she'll start calling mummy mummy! If I go and help her, hubby will say me spoil her again! 左右为难! Few days ago, Wien pop out a very funny request! Till now we still teasing her on this. As usual, hubby remind her do her homework, she refuse. All sort of excuses were given to him. Hubby not accept, still continue nagging her. Later she come to me when hubby walk away... Wien : 妈咪,这个爸爸很坏咧,我要新爸爸!(Mummy, this papa very naughty ler, I want new papa!) Me : 哈?新爸爸?妈咪要去哪里找喔?(Hah? New papa? where to find?) Wien : 你去找啦!(You go and find one lah!) ...alamak!! this girl ha really one kind, this also she can think of.... MIL overheard what she said, she come and interrupt.... MIL : 有啊!叫大姑丈做你的新爸爸!大姑丈很疼你啊!(Got ah! Ask SIL#1's hubby be your new papa lor!) Wien : 不要大姑丈啦!( Dun want lah!)....giggling walk away.... Hubby told her that he is very sad when she say like that. Now if she demand anything from papa, papa will ask her to look for her new papa. Then she come and manja with me. I believe she regret what she had said now! Hehehe... But we still use this joke to tease her if she not behave.
Posted by Jess at 3/10/2006 04:06:00 PM 12 comments
公公,开 tit!
Hot hot weather recently. Most of the time when I reach home after work, I can see both girls very sticky, they sweat a lot; especially Wien, look like she just taking her bath, all her hair were wet! I will quickly get them to bathroom, to clear all those sticky feeling! FIL very pantang see both of them sweat like that. He'll on the air-cond in living room. So now when Ah Gong back from his tuition class in the evening, both girl will ask him to on it. How the TIT derive? In fact we create this word for Wien. Wien does not know how to pronounce air-cond properly, so we just say on the TIT!( the sound from air-cond once you on the remote control). But now she can say air-cond properly. Each time when Wien say : 很热咧,公公,开 tit 啦! (Very hot ler, gong gong, on the TIT lar) Lyon seem understand the word too. She'll quickly walk towards the air-cond and point to it. Or she’ll grab the TV remote control and pretend to on the air-cond. Lucky they cannot reach the air-cond remote control ( we purposely place it in a high place), else I think sure everyday they will on it by themself.
Posted by Jess at 3/10/2006 09:39:00 AM 11 comments
Thursday, March 09, 2006
Lyon fell down..again!
Yesterday was International Women's Day, both hubby & myself were on leave! We are not celebrating the day but to send Lyon to see paed early in the morning.
Posted by Jess at 3/09/2006 12:42:00 AM 11 comments
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
Mee Mee = Mummy
Update on 09/03/06: Sorry guys! for not reply all the comment.....I reveal what she ate here..... Hehe....Zara's mama is correct, she is eating dragon fruit !


Posted by Jess at 3/07/2006 01:18:00 PM 14 comments
Monday, March 06, 2006
One night before changing Wien into her pyjamas, I gave her a wipe. Sometimes cannot tahan she is too sticky ( sweat a lot, running here & there), I'll give her a quick bath too. She ask me this... Wien : 妈咪,为什麽弟弟要站住小便? Mummy, why di di pee in standing position?...(wonder how come today she mention di di but not boy??) Me : 因为男孩子有kkc, 他们可以对准马桶嘛! Becos boy got kkc, they can shoot better...(hehe..think a while only answer her...) Wien : 为什麽我要蹲住的? Why I hv to squat down? Me : 如果你站住小便,小便就会你弄湿你的脚啰! erm...If u stand and pee, the urine will wet your leg....(cannot find a better reason liao) I think she satisfy with my answer, stop asking further. Later bring her to room to change. She ask again.... Wien : 妈咪,为什麽你不要生弟弟? Mummy, why you don't want to give birtht to a di di?...(huh, how come suddently ask this question?....) Me : ...think a while... 因为老天爷不要给我们弟弟啰! becos GOD dun want to give us a di di lor!..(hehe..blame GOD pulak..*tougue out*) Wien : 为什麽老天爷不要给我们弟弟? Why GOD dun want to give us di di? Me : 不懂哩,他只给我们妹妹! Dunno ler, HE gave us Mei Mei only. Wien : 为什麽你生我的时候,我不是弟弟的? Why when you give birth to me, why me not a di di?...(aiyo, how come she think like that?) Me : 哈?为什麽你要做弟弟? Ha? Why u want to become a di di? Wien : 因为弟弟可以站住小便嘛? Becos di di can stand & pee mah! ...(OMG, she prefer pee in standing position...) 哎呀!原来她要做个小男孩!She prefer to be a boy lah!
Posted by Jess at 3/06/2006 12:33:00 PM 14 comments
Friday, March 03, 2006
She is lying.....?
Wien will be 4 coming this April. No doubt she is very talkative now, sometimes really talk like a big girl. Also very clever in arguing and twisting our words, can u imagine that? All these we still can accept, but recently she'll tell lies, sweet lies! This defenetely cannot accept.... Lies #1 After putting Lyon to sleep, I get her to brush her teeth.... Me : 维,来!(Wei, come over here!) Wien: 为什麽要来? (Why need to come?) Me : 来刷牙啦!(Come and brush your teeth lah!) Wien : 妈咪,爸爸讲不必刷牙的!(Mummy, papa said no need brush teeth!) Me : 爸爸几时讲的?(since when papa tell you like that?)...not believe papa will say like that... Wien : 刚才啰!(Just now) Me : 好,妈咪现在去问爸爸!(okay, mummy go and ask papa now!) Wien : 妈咪不要问爸爸啦!(Mummy dun ask la!)..she try to block my way to look for papa... ...she kuai kuai come and brush her teeth.... While she is brushing teeth, I ask her... Me : 为什麽要讲骗话?(Why tell lie?) Wien : 没有啦,跟你开玩笑吧了(No la, just joking with u.....) Me : 哈?开玩笑?讲骗话鼻子会变长长的!(Huh? joking? tell lies, your nose will become longer!)...try to frigthen her... She laugh and run away from me.... Lies #2 Wien is a thumb sucker since baby time. But we manage to quit this bad habbit some time ago. Once a while I still can see her put her thumb into her mouth. She will take it out if she saw me spotted her doing so. One weekend during her afternoon nap, I spotted her do it again.... Me : 你吸手指?(u suck thumb?) Wien : 爸爸讲可以吸的。(papa said I can suck le) Me : 爸爸几时讲的?(when did papa tell u this?) Wien : 爸爸讲如果睡不着可以吸的。(papa said if I cannot fall asleep, then I can suck lor) ...later check with hubby, but he said he never say like that.... Lies #3 Every morning hubby will prints a sheet of paper for Wien's writing, with those chinese wording and some maths questions ( she will use abacus to count ) Sometimes she did not write it, then she'll give all kind of reason to protect herself. One day, when hubby back from work, noticed she did not do her homework...... I was in living room... Papa: 为什麽没有写字?(why today no writting this?) Wien : er, 我很忙嘛 (er, I am busy mah!)...aiseh...say busy some more... Papa : 你忙什麽?(What u busy at?) Wien : 忙顾小妹啰,忙帮嘛嘛晒衣啰!(Busy taking care Lyon, busy help ma-ma hang laundry lor!) Papa : 忙也是可以写字嘛!(Busy also can write mah!) Wien : 爸爸,妈咪讲很忙就不必写的!(Papa, mummy said if busy no need to write ler!)...aiyo, since when I say this to her??.... Me : 你又讲骗话,等下鼻子长长你就知道!(You lying again, later your nose become long long!) Again, she laugh and run away.... 又好气又好笑!
Posted by Jess at 3/03/2006 04:17:00 PM 8 comments
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Bubble Girl - 18xxx
Usually after work, I got to bath my 2 girls. To save time, I'll bath both in one time in their very traditional red "bath tub"!!(my mother buy one for me during my chinese wedding ceremony lor! Although at first I keep asking her not to buy, but very useful now....:P)
The bath tub a bit squeeze, because Wien quite a big girl now. Sometimes naughty Lyon not allow Wien to join in, she'll keep making noise and pull Wien's hand. Then I'hv to get her another washtub. But sometimes both can happily mandi sama- sama!
If they bath together, they like to play with the bubble, I guess most kids like to play water as well as the bubble during bathing. Especially Wien now, used up a lot of the shampoo to make those bubble and making ballon too! Quite wasted though, scold few times only she behave a bit now.
If me home alone with them, I'll take bath together with them too....hehehe...else I got no chance to take my bath! Wonder how I do that?? Well, our bathroom still can squeeze 3 of us. I will take quick bath, after 2 of them enjoy playing water, I'll settle Lyon first (as scare she get cold if bathing too long). Quickly dress her up while Wien still in bathroom making her bubble & ballon! Later get Lyon standing near the washroom and wait for me settle for Wien. Lyon is good as she can stand there and queitly wait for us! See, I can get my bath too, although a bit rush la! No choice....as I dare not to leave them alone while me taking bath!
Posted by Jess at 3/02/2006 04:21:00 PM 18 comments
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Yesterday home alone with the 2 girls. About 8am+, FIL drove MIL to Muar Hospital. Left the 2 girls with me. I decided to bring Lyon for her check up. Suppose to go on 1/03, but go earlier one day should be okay la, dun think the nurse will scold me gua. As usual, I go to government clinic. The clinic very near to my house, within walking distance too but me lazy to walk, just drive. Reach there by 9.30am, kau-tim everything on 10.15am, pretty fast! No jab require at 15 month, just do normal check up. She is 8.40kg(very light hor but she eat a lot le..!!?? mana pergi those food??) and 72cm height(quite short too...cham lor, generate my short gene!). Anyway, since she is healthy, so no worry much on this. After the clinic trip, we just stay at home; playing, eating, sleeping while waiting for PIL to come back. Expect them to come back around noon time. While preparing porridge, received call from FIL, said they hv to wait till 2pm only can see the specialist; as there is no dr in the morning session. Wow, have to wait so long hour, pity them! When I rang them up on Monday, they never inform me on the time, *sigh* 1pm+ get them to have their nap, me also nap with them. Tired at home, need a rest too. About 3.45pm, they are back. At the same time, my girls also woke up too. So happy when they saw MIL is back, call ma-ma, ma-ma so loud! Ok, back to MIL story. We still dunno the result yet as she need to go for another appointment to do the memogram. Before this she only do pap smear yearly but not memogram. Anyway our GH always like to ask us to wait one la, wonder why......no choice, just wait and see. At the same time , we keep pursuing her to see private specialist, so can know the result faster, but she said want to do this in GH too. If really hv to wait long time only go for private! She wanna save our cost gua. p/s: Will do the update on her conditions if any. btw, thanks for all the concern.
Posted by Jess at 3/01/2006 05:23:00 PM 5 comments