Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Childhood game

When I was small, I love to play masak masak with my brothers and sisters, sometimes with my neighbor’s kids too. We'll dig out all our mom's utensils and pretend cook. It's fun I tell you. At times we even light up the matches and make a small fire as stove, of course later found out by mom, and kena scold!

I ever think of to buy a toy cooking set for the girls but MIL said no fun coz not real enough. So she took out some unused cooking utensils for them to play with. Clever Lyon use her fishing set ( including fish, crap, octopus etc) as ingredients for her cooking dishes. LOL


snoopy said...

Hey mama Jess, that is not "masak 2" only. That is a real wok, if I am not wrong....