Thursday, May 03, 2007

My turn to celebrate

My birthday is just after one week birthday of Wien. Hubby asked me what present I wish to have. Frankly myself never think of what to own next, perhaps I do not need all these. To me, birthday not really a big deal, I can live with or without it. But some of friends not really have same thought as me. They want present from hubby, preferable surprise type.LOL...hey, if your hubby is romance type, then mayb you can get surprise from him lar, what if not? Then you also no need to angry with him, right>


CutiePrincessMummy said...

Agreed. No expectation sometimes can bring surprise too...

Happy birthday! :-)

snoopy said...

Tell you what, surprise your hubby with the present you choose for yourself....using his credit card!!!LOL